Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spring Break Travels

Today may be the first day of spring, but it’s the last day of our spring break. That means no more sleeping in and getting back to our everyday school routine. Every year, the very first day we get back from break, you can automatically tell who went somewhere and who didn’t. The biggest clue is always how dark their skin is.

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                The most common places to go throughout spring break is anywhere down south. Florida and Mexico seem to be popular when it comes to traveling for a week. Usually people like to get away from the cold Iowa weather and travel to some place warm and get a nice tan. Any state that’s on the border of the ocean is basically perfect for a vacation so they can hang out and chill at the beach. I know for a fact that my best friend drives down to Florida at least twice a year to visit her sister and her family. Whenever she comes back, I’m always jealous of how tan she is.

                Even though there are so many more people who travel over break, there are that handful of people, like me, who stayed back in Iowa and continues to be as white as a sheet. Some spring breaks I’ll actually come back all tan, but not this time. When I walk into school tomorrow, I’m going to be part of that handful of students who didn’t go anywhere special, and be the same skin color I was when I left for break.

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