Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Life's Greatest Blessing!

My sisters and I in our
Happiness Jackets
                “Friends come and go, but you will always have family no matter where you go!” This is a famous quote that I could imagine so many people have heard of and even say still today. The quote can be cheesy at times, but it’s absolutely true though. Throughout your whole life, friends will come into your life but not all of them that you make will stick with you as you grow older, but family is something that we will always have forever!

                For those of you who don’t know, I’m the 3rd child in the family out 4. Sometimes being a middle child isn’t always the greatest, but there are so many more reasons why being a middle child is quite nice. For starters, I have two older and one younger sister always by my side. If I ever need advice on things, it’s nice to be able to have two older sisters with more experience and wisdom that could help me out. When it comes to having a younger sister, I can help her out on things that she needs help either from homework to even boy troubles. When it comes to being a middle child, I would say it’s a win win for me; I can get some really good advice and even hand it down.

Two of my cousins;
Cassidy and Vivian
                We can all say that being a teenage are the worst years. We try to think that we can do everything on our own and that whatever our parents say are wrong no matter what. We get so caught up in the moment thinking that our parents don’t know anything that everybody’s patience level goes way down.  But want to hear the truth: Even though we might not always agree with what our parents say, they have so much more wisdom and experience than us teenagers do! Sometimes it’s hard to listen to or may even hurt a little of what our parents are truly saying, but just remember they are only saying that stuff because they love you so incredibly much!

                Parents can come in handy for more than just lecturing you; sometimes it may not seem like it, but parents can give out some of the best advice ever. With having the most experience can lead to some really good advice that could even help you in a tough situation. But, I do have to say that they might not have all the advice you need on a particular situation because their life style as teenager was way different compared to now a days. But, I can promise you that they can trade in the advice for a warm hug any day. Just being in our parents’ warm hugs can be the best kind of comfort out there! I know for a fact my parents are great at cheering me up!

                Family doesn’t just consist of who you live with and see every day; family most certainly includes all your relatives no matter how far away they live. In fact, I have family from both sides all over the United States. For me, I mainly have family in Iowa, but I also have family that lives in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota, and more. Distance can never become a problem when it comes to family!

My grandma with her 12 kids
                One thing that I love to say is that just within my mom’s side, I have over 50 cousins. I always love seeing people’s reactions whenever I tell them that. Yes, that’s right you read it right; over 50 cousins just on my mom’s side. My mom is the 5th child of 12. My grandma and grandpa were kept busy with their 4 daughters and 8 sons. With having lots of family on my mom’s side, the noise level raises pretty quickly. One plus side of having so many people as family is that there’s always someone to talk to or do things with. From either playing cards or needing help with a situation there is someone who we can always turn to no matter what time of day.

                Most families aren’t as lucky to have such a big family, but no matter what the size of the family is; one thing will always remain and that’s the love everybody shares with one another. Yeah, families will fight and argue, but it’s what happens afterwards that makes you guys still a family! Just like Lilo and Stitch says, “Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten!”


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