Sunday, February 21, 2016


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Think about this: What is one of your all-time favorite things that your grandmother makes? Is it her home-made jelly, or her home-made popcorn? One thing that really catches my eye every time my grandma has it sitting out on the counter is a bowl of her famous home-made apple sauce. She can make a huge batch of it and the grandkids will just nipple it all down within seconds.

                Homemade apple sauce (especially my grandma’s) can be a perfect side for any dish. But, if you’re like me, just a plate filled with the sauce hits the spot and can call that you’re meal. Apple Sauce can be a healthy but sweet thing to have. Depending on the kind that you have, the delicious apples chopped up in the sauce can provide some nutrients for the body. Typically the kinds you get from the stores are the ones that filled with lots sugar while the ones that are home-made and have the apple chunks are healthier for you. In my opinion the chunks are actually the best part of the apple sauce! They just give it that sweet and enjoying taste!

                Did you know that apple sauce can come in all different flavors? I’m not just talking about the fact that they come in different spices like cinnamon or green apple, I’m talking more about the colors. Yes, the colors give it something even more to enjoy, but the flavors of what the colors represents. For an example, the red or the pink kind of apple sauce is the cherry or strawberry flavor. I remember in elementary school whenever they would serve red apple sauce, it always had a little extra spice to it. I don’t know maybe it has a little extra cinnamon spilled in it.

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                One thing really cool about apple sauces that has gotten super popular now-a-days are the GoGo squeeze. The Gogo Squeeze is a little package of apple sauce that consist only of squeezing and slurping; no spoon is necessary. They are great to take on the go and can be taken wherever you go. Not only do kids love them, but parents love them as well because they are mess free!

                It doesn’t matter if you are five years old or if you are sixty five years old, apple sauce is perfect for all ages. It is becoming more and more popular now a days and can be eaten at any time of the day. Easy to eat as well as easy to get addicted to!

The Quest is out there

Think about this: You know you get hungry throughout the school day so you decide to bring a snack to munch on during the middle of the day. You want something that is kind of healthier for you and gives you energy to keep going for the rest of your classes. Hmm… what exactly can you bring with you that will give you enough energy for the rest of the day? I know! A Quest Bar!

                A Quest Bar is a protein bar that contains a high amount of protein and low in sugar and carbs. Not only are they good when it comes to having a snack throughout the day, but they’re also fantastic when it comes to providing energy for a specific activity. The more protein it contains; the more energy they provided for your body.  Nutrients is a huge key to living a healthy life, and let me just say that Quest bars have lots of nutrients mixed within them.

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                One cool thing about Quest bars is that you can buy them in all different flavors. Some of my favorite include Cookies N’ Cream, Double Brownie, Peanut Butter Supreme, and White Chocolate Raspberry. There’s such a variety of flavors to choose from that it’s so hard to just choose one. From Cookie Dough, to Coconut, to Wild Berry, to even PB&J; so many different flavors to decide from.

                Another awesome thing about the Quest bar is that it’s not just a protein bar, but Quest is also a brand that sells several other healthy snacks. Not only do stores sell the protein bars, but they also sell Quest chips, Quest smoothies, and Quest shakes. They all contain the right amount of protein and nutrients within them to be considered a healthy option. The shakes make a great breakfast for the beautiful morning.

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                Quest Bars are the perfect thing to take with you when you really need some extra energy in you. They are just like granola bars but even better. They can be a treat and extremely healthy for you. They make you believe that you’re eating all this delicious pure sugar, but actually you are eating pure nutrients! So, what are you waiting for? Are you willing to go on the Quest to happiness?

Sweet and Tasty Sugar of Love

Keeping with the Valentine’s Day theme, one thing that I completely miss from elementary school was our Valentine’s Day celebration. I remember we would spend like an hour just decorating our white paper bags, and then spending the rest of the day handing out valentines while eating some of the delicious treats that our parents bought or even made for us. It was like the one day of the school year that we could get hyped up with loads of sugar! Awe, the good old days!

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                After handing out all our valentines to the rest of the class, I spent the majority of the time eating the candy! Every so often I would find a card that I absolutely loved or read the ones that my friends gave me, but usually I didn’t care that much about the cards; all I only cared about was the candy that I got! I would get so jealous if a classmate got a better piece of candy then I did. My all-time favorite were the Valentine’s that included the Fun Dips! That candy stick that you dip in loads of sugar was always the best! Four packs of Fun Dips equals pure energy for at least ten more hours!

                The world has been celebrating Valentine’s Day for several decades now. And, I feel like every year the candy keeps getting better and better. Even still in high school, my friends and I gave each other pieces of valentines to show how much we appreciate each other. Especially within the holidays, candy can be a huge symbol to show someone that they love and care about them. I remember one year one of my dearest friends and I exchanged huge king size chocolate bars with each other. It was one of the best valentine’s candy that I have ever gotten.

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                Some of the common candies that are passed out during the Valentine’s season are fun size chocolate bars, M&M’s, Fun Dips, and Skittles. You know its Valentine’s Day candy when the wrapper is either pink or red and contains hearts on them. Honestly anything could be considered Valentine’s day and perfectly fine to hand out.

                At least one good thing comes from Valentine’s Day candy and that is how it can last for a couple months or so. So if you want to snack on something throughout your day, heart shaped candies are the place to go!

Monday, February 15, 2016

He loves me; he loves me not...

Besides a box of chocolate, what is the number one thing given out to people on Valentine’s Day? That’s right; a bundle of flowers or a beautiful rose! Flowers are so popular when it comes to showing someone that you love them! I know I got two beautiful roses for Valentine’s Day this past year. Just think the amount of flowers an average person got for Valentine’s Day this year.

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                You might be wondering why I’m talking about flowers, and how they can relate to food. Well, certain flowers could actually be edible for a meal. When I first got told that some flowers were edible, I thought they were crazy for thinking that. Flowers are made for the smell as well as a beautiful decoration to have out; not for a meal. It wasn’t until 5 years ago where my whole perspective on flowers changed.

                I was with my family at some fancy restaurant, and we just got our food with three beautiful flowers on side of our plates.

“Awe that’s cute. They made it even fancier by having flowers be put on the side of our plates.”

“Actually, they are edible flowers. Everything that we serve on our plates are edible including the flowers,” proclaimed the waiter.

With a lot of hesitation, we finally took a bite of the lovely flowers that were laying on our plates. They ended up tasting pretty darn good! They had this sweet taste to them that I can’t even describe. They weren’t like cookies shaped in flowers; they were actually flowers with the silky, smooth pedals. Who knew that flowers that actually grew from roots underneath the ground would taste so good?
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Other flowers that can be consumed are the delicious chocolate roses. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; they are not real flowers, but still they are in a flower form. Chocolate roses are common to hand out to people especially this time of year. They have the fake stem and leaves as well as the chocolate wrapped in red aluminum. The chocolate itself has the special features of a rose like the curviness and the shape. They want to make it look as real as possible!

Next time you see some gorgeous flowers, remember they can be used for so many more things than just decorations!

Life is a Box of Chocolate

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"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." I bet mostly everybody knows where that famous line is from. That’s right, it’s from the movie Forest Gump! I think this is one of the best metaphors to describe life with. You never know what life is going to throw at you just like how you never know what kind of chocolates are in the box until you rip off that wrapper and open it yourself.

                You might be wondering why I started off with a life lesson quote from a famous movie about chocolate boxes. Well, there is one main reason: Yesterday was the day that we celebrate by giving others chocolate boxes. That’s right; it was Valentine’s Day! And, what better way of celebrating Valentine’s Day by giving someone you love a box of delicious chocolate!

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                Last night when I was being a “forever alone” with my book and a bowl of cereal while wearing regular old sweatpants, my sister on the other hand got all dressed up to go out on a date with her boyfriend. When he got to our house, the first thing they did was exchange gifts to each other. Not only did they both have a bundle of some beautiful flowers, but they also had a heart shaped chocolate box in their hands. Who cares about the flowers; what’s a date without a box of chocolate?

                Buying heart shaped chocolate boxes aren’t just for the ones that you’re dating, but they also can be for any of your friends or family that you love so much. It doesn’t even have to be the giant boxes that cost like $7.99 and contain like 20 different types of chocolate. They can also be the very tiny boxes that cost less than $3 and contain like 5 different flavors. It doesn’t matter the size; all what matters is the love that holds from the box itself!

                Chocolate is a huge thing when it comes to love! You have no idea how many chocolate boxes were sold for Valentine’s Day (also known as day of love). I can bet you that over 80% of people across the world got some sort of chocolate (ranging from a huge box to just a small piece of candy) to celebrate someone’s love towards them.

But, if you’re a “forever alone” like me, the best day to buy chocolate is the day after Valentine’s Day. You wanna know why: it’s because all the chocolate is on sale. So now instead of getting one box for $5, you can get like 2 or 3 boxes for the same price! Sometimes it’s great being forever alone!

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Always Jammin' for More

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Was it just me or did everyone go through a PB & J phase? I remember when I was like in 4th grade; I was obsessed with Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. I would make them every single day for lunch and not want anything else but those. I got so addicted with them that everywhere I went; I had to have a PB & J in my hands. Thankfully I have grown out of that phase to now I have a sandwich once in a while.

               While I was in that stage as kid, I learned different methods and ways to have/make a sandwich. There’s the one slice way (where you make it all on one slice and just fold in), the half and half way (where both slices you put half peanut butter and half jelly), and then there’s the traditional way (one slice with all peanut butter and one slice with all jelly). It seemed like almost every day I was trying a new way to improve my delicious sandwiches. Now a days I prefer either the half and half or the traditional way.

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               When you make sandwiches, you don’t always have to make it with PB& J. Sometimes what I like to do is use peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. The fluff replaces the jelly within the sandwich still giving it that sweet and tasty flavor. Or, instead of using peanut butter, I’ll use Nutella and jelly. Let me just say that it’s not as good as the peanut butter and fluff.

               One way I love experimenting with PB & J sandwiches is by all the different types of jelly that can be bought. Not only does my family get different types of jelly from the store, but we also get the homemade stuff from my grandma. Even though she does give away some flavors that you find within the store, she also has a collection of jams that none can be found elsewhere; that’s what makes them so special to enjoy

               Every time I find myself making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I can’t help but remember how often I had them as a kid, and how obsessive I truly was over them. What can I say; they’re always so good that they leave me jammin’ for more!

All you need is Alittle Milk

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Think back to when you were little kids. What was your favorite thing to have for breakfast in the morning? Did you prefer pancakes over waffles? Or some fruit over a bowl of oatmeal? I remember my all-time favorite thing to eat for breakfast was a delicious bowl of cereal. I practically had it every morning; I couldn’t live without it.

               There are hundreds of different flavors, even brands, which you could choose from when it comes to a bowl of cereal. I remember when I was a kid; I would always get excited whenever I saw that my mom bought Lucky Charms, Reese’s Puff, or Fruity Pebbles. Those three were my absolute favorite while growing up; I lived off those to start up my morning.

               As I got older, I started branching out with my taste buds. I started liking more of the healthier kinds. It was hard to have a favorite because there are so many tasty and filling kinds. Some kinds that a lot of adults usually get are Special Kay, Mini Wheats, Cheerio’s, and Fiber One. They tend to have less sugar and fats and more protein and carbs within them. Typically cereals like those are ones that come in fruity flavors; blueberry and strawberry are the most common fruits that are added.

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               Cereal can come all different sizes of boxes. I remember every time I would go up and visit my grandparents, they always had the mini individual boxes that had just the right amount for one serving. I always liked those because if I didn’t finish a box, I could take the rest on the go and finish it in the car. The next size that you usually see is the average size that could last maybe a week. It’s the perfect size for a family of four, but not so much for a family of six like mine. You might be wondering what then can feed a family as big as mine. Well, the giant bag or family size boxes fit perfectly with the amount of family members I have.

               Not just is cereal an awesome breakfast to have to start off your morning, but it also makes a great snack to have during the school day. No, I’m not suggesting pouring yourself a bowl in the middle of a class; I am saying though that you can put some dry cereal in a plastic baggie and munch on it throughout your day.

               Cereal is one of America’s favorite and common things to have for breakfast.  It’s been here for generations. But, who knows when it’s going to die down; it could still be popular when grandkids are having kids!

Fro Yo

Imagine this: It is a hot summery day and you could really use something to cool down your throat. You’re thinking ice cream, but at the same time you want something that is a little healthier for you. Hmm… What could you have? I have an idea; grab a cup of frozen yogurt!

               Frozen yogurt can be such a refreshing treat to have. Not only does it cool you down, but it’s also such a delicious treat to have. Frozen yogurt can be healthier for you in so many levels. For starters, it’s yogurt but in frozen form. No matter what the flavor is, ice cream is loaded with lots of sugar and fats. Even though frozen yogurt can contain some sugars within it, it also contains lots of nutrients that could help you have enough energy for the rest of the day.

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               When ordering a cup of frozen yogurt, you have to decide what flavor you would like. Some of the most popular flavors include all sorts of fruits like strawberry banana, or even kiwi, just plain old chocolate or vanilla, or even a tropical kind.

               Not only can you get the traditional flavors, now a days you can also find flavors like S’mores, Birthday Cake, Cookies N’ Cream, and lots more. The flavors that draw more people in are the ones that contain a little more on the sugary side. Although they do contain a tad more sugar, they still give you the same deliciousness as the traditional ones. One of my favorite kinds to always get is either the Birthday Cake or the Brownie Batter. They always hit the spot!

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               One of the most common places here in Iowa is Orange Leaf. Every day they have so many different and new flavors you could choose from. You can mix any flavors at your choice as well as unlimited toppings. With all the toppings you dump on, it takes away all the nutrients and is basically as sugary as regular old ice cream. Orange Leaf gives you so many options for your toppings including some of the following like cookie dough or Oreo bites, frozen fruit like strawberries, any type of candy you could think of, and everyone’s favorite thing to drench it in are the syrups. There are so many different toppings to choose from that you obviously can’t have them all in one visit. So instead you always have to come back for more.

               You can buy frozen yogurt anywhere even your local grocery store. But, the best kind the home made version where you freeze some yogurt in ice trays so you can have them wherever you go!