Monday, September 28, 2015

Double the Cheese

When you were a kid, or even today, what is your favorite kind of Mac & Cheese? You can’t just say you like all kinds. Admit it, everybody has that one kind that they just love or prefer more than others. For me, my all-time favorite type of mac and cheese is Velveeta Cheese with the shell noodles. That brand just nails the right amount of cheese and the right amount of softness for the noodles.

As a kid, especially at daycare, we would have Mac & Cheese very often; it’s such an easy and quick meal to make for any ages. I remember I would go crazy whenever my mom would buy the special shells that were the character noodles including Dora, Scooby Doo, SpongeBob, and many more cartoon characters. They always made the meal even more enjoyable to have, and I felt so special whenever I had those.

Mac & Cheese has expanded so much throughout the last couple decades. So many more brands are being made today with so many different types of shells to use. From the characters, to the shells, to the original noodles, even with the Easy Mac containers, mac and cheese is everywhere.

Not just are the noodles used for cooking and eating but their also used in crafts and even maybe some jewelry. Little kids love using their imagination with making noodle necklaces or glittery noodle picture frames. Even today, I still love making crafts with it comes to playing with the hard noodle shells or wearing them around my neck.

The best type of mac and cheese is when you load up on the cheese so the flavor has the extreme cheddar taste. The more cheese the better. Too little cheese causes it to be to soggy and practically just noodles. You got to pour in just the right amount of cheese to make it perfect! That’s the name Mac and CHEESE!
word count: 321

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Container of Heaven

              I remember one of the best days of elementary school was when cookie dough was scheduled on the lunch menu. Even better was when it was Surprise Cookie Dough day in the lunch room. I would always ask around amongst friends and random classmates if they wanted their container of cookie dough (also known as a container of Heaven); that’s how crazy I was about the school’s cookie dough. We typically would have cookie dough at least once a week. What a perfect way to end a week was with a container of fresh cookie dough!

What the cookie dough looked like before they changed it
               When we got middle school, that’s when the disappointment came into play. Cookie dough was less seen during the lunch hour. Instead of once a week, it was now more like once every month. And if we were lucky, sometimes it would be twice in just one month, but that rare. As the years continued, the cookie dough started to become less and less tasty. Because raw cookie dough isn’t healthy for you, the government was starting to get complaints from parents describing how schools shouldn’t be feeding their kids this unhealthy dessert as well as making it far for all kids even with allergies could have. That was just the start of the complaints.

               School boards all over the nation today started taking away desserts at schools to make the kids focus less on desserts but instead focus more on healthier options. That’s right that would mean no more cookie dough day. If you’re lucky, you might get one or two throughout the whole school year but the cookie dough isn’t the same as it was back in the day. They took out the eggs so all students would be able to have it. Now the new healthier version of cookie dough isn’t even soft like it used to be but instead on the hard and crispy side.

               Cookie dough wasn’t the only thing that schools started to take away. I know for the high schools they replaced all the unhealthy snacks with either a “healthier” version or less in a package. At some elementary schools or middle schools, students can’t bring party type foods for any party that is going on within the classroom. The only foods that can be brought are trays of veggies, fruit, or any other healthy stuff. Even at the annual Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine’s Day party; they are restricted on what they can and cannot bring including all the tasty treats.

               That makes us think. What has our society come to? Yeah, it’s healthier and stuff, but what party doesn’t have some tasty treats at it? If you were on the school board, what would you do especially when it came to cookie dough day? Would you take it away, or give the kids back their container of Heaven?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

40 pounds in 4 months...

             It seems like almost every other commercial on TV is pointed towards getting in shape, healthy eating, or joining some sort of diet. There are so many diets out there but one impartially that I’m most familiar with is the Ideal Protein Diet. I know quite a handful of people who have joined the program and had their life changed forever including my own life. I too, was once part of it and I lost about 40 pounds. With a little determination, you can achieve anything!

               Ideal Protein has 4 different phases (also known as stages) to the whole process. Phase 1 is typically the longest phase because that’s the phase where you lose all the weight; you’re on it until you reach your weight goal. So depending on what your goal is; it could take from 2 months to a year.

               While Phase one includes only eating there products, lots of vegetables, salads, and different types of protein (that’s practically it), Phase 2 and Phase 3 are when you can start slowly getting off their own products and getting back to everyday food. It’s a chance to be able to not always be dependable on those special foods that has the product’s name on the wrapper, but more towards getting used to the foods you would buy at a supermarket that are on the healthier side.

               Ideal Protein Diet not only changes you’re physical appearance but it also changes the way you look at life as well as you’re mental mind set. You learn some life skills that could come into play with any situation while on this journey. One skill that you really pick up on is determination. You can set your mind and heart to anything, and with a little determination, you can achieve anything.

               Temptations, temptations, and more temptations. One of the hardest things within this life changing adventure is all the temptations that are thrown towards you. Either from walking down the grocery aisle with all that delicious food calling or your name, or wanting to buy your favorite meal at a restaurant. Temptations are everywhere especially when you’re hanging with your friends and not thinking about the diet. But the key to overcoming those temptations is just thinking that it will be so worth it in the long run and to not give in to them. You learn how to say no, and not always giving into the unhealthy food.

               Ideal Protein Diet is such an affected diet that has worked for hundreds of people including myself. It is one of the best “losing weight” programs there is out there. Not just is it city wide, but it’s also nationwide; people from all over the country have or are this program. Not only are some of the product foods really delicious, but there can be so many tasty recipes that include that special food as well as not including the products and still very healthy for you. If you want to get to success with looking great, Ideal Protein is the place to go!
BEFORE: my sisters and I. I'm the one in the lighter pink.
NOW: First day of school for 2015-2016 school year. I'm the one on the left.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Snack on the Go

Imagine this: You just got home from school but you have no time to eat a snack because you’re rushing around getting the last minute sporting equipment for the practice that starts in 15 minutes. You don’t want to go to practice on an empty stomach but you have no idea what is easy to make and not messy to eat while on the go. If only there was a snack that was fully made for the go and doesn’t cause much of a mess. I wonder….

In the past decade or so, trail mix has become a very trendy snack that tons of people love. I know, me personally, I love having trail mix as a snack especially in times where I’m in a hurry. The cool thing about trail mix is that it can be made with ANY ingredients and can be taken on the go to anywhere at any time.

               The most common kind of trail mix is either the brand Chex Mix or the original that includes peanuts, raisins, pretzels, and everybody’s favorite M&M’s. The Chex Mix brand has become so popular that they started making different kinds branching off of the original. For an example (just the Chex Mix brand alone) there are several kinds or flavors to choose from including extra cheddar, extremely spicy, regular and dark chocolate, turtle, honey roasted, most common one the traditional, and lots more.

               Now days, you see trail mix everywhere. The most common place to see them takes place in the months of May and June and that would be graduation parties. Have you noticed that at almost at every grad party, on the tables are bowls of trail mix? That’s because they have become so popular and it’s a great snack just to munch on while at the parties. Not only do they have bowls of nuts and M&Ms, but the main ingredients are the M&Ms because several people especially the little kids go start for the candy. You know what they say: it’s not a grad party without a bowl of trail mix at the tables.

               If you don’t have time to go to the store or you’re just like lazy like me, you could always make your own trail mix at home with your everyday pantry supplies. One of my favorite kinds of trail mix (and my friends can agree with me on this) is my mom’s Puppy Chow trail mix. It’s a little on the messier side but it still an easy snack to take on the go. If you wanna make your own trail mix but have no idea where to begin, start with 3-5 of your favorite snacky foods (ex: Cheese-Its, goldfish, M&Ms, peanuts/almonds, pretzels, raisins, marshmallows, different types of cereal, etc.) and just mix those in a little plastic baggie. And Bam! You got yourself a lovely snack that you can take whenever you’re in a hurry.

               From traditional trail mix, to all the different branches based off of Chex Mix, to homemade, trail mix is such an awesome snack that was invented for people like you and me in times of our busy schedules!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

What is that Delicious Smell...

                One of the best ways to tell that you’re at your grandma’s house is by walking into the smell of her famous cinnamon rolls. Any type of “cinnamon roll recipe” has been in people’s households and even passed down from generation to generation. Cinnamon rolls’ can be made in hundreds of different ways and not one of them turns out bad; each recipe has its own unique style (taste) to them that makes them just perfect.

               Some people may just see cinnamon rolls just as a breakfast, but for others they might mean more to them. For an example, they have become a tradition for my mom’s side of the family. Whenever we get together for a celebration especially for the holidays, my grandma always has to have a tray of cinnamon rolls laying out on the counter; it wouldn’t be a celebration without them. Cinnamon rolls in general are so good that it’s hard to only have one. Some people may make them for celebrations, a snack or meal, a present for someone, following family traditions, or just cause. Cinnamon rolls could be made for anything at any time!

               Like I mentioned before, there are hundreds of different ways to make cinnamon rolls and none of them are wrong. Ranging from simply buying some from the store to making your own with your own ingredients, they all make you wanna have more. And you can’t forget about the icing. I would say that’s always the best part is the icing on top. Just like the rolls itself, the icing can be made several different ways and even flavors.

               We’ve had all different types of cinnamon rolls before. For me the scale ranges from store bought, to chocolate, to pumpkin icing, to even a strawberry roll; but nothing can beat anyone’s grandmother’s famous cinnamon rolls!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Best Source for Energy

Imagine this: You just got home from school and you need some sort of energy to be able to do all that homework that you just got loaded with. You go to your pantry and find nothing new that’s appealing to the eye. You realize that you’re not really in the mood for anything too “junk foody” like, ice cream. But, you’re also not in the mood for something totally healthy, like a salad. Well, Energy Balls are the perfect thing for you!

               Energy Balls are a low calorie, easy to pack snack that gives you the energy for any activity going on. Because you have this protein and energy within in you now, you become more motivated to succeed as well as a better and more positive attitude.

               Not only are they easy to pack, but they’re also on the healthier side of the food scale. Don’t let the looks fool you when it comes to whether or not it’s healthy for you; just like an optical illusion. Yeah, they have chocolate chips and some other sweets within them but think about it though, to make a snack healthy but delicious; you need to add a little sweetness to it. The ingredients that make it healthy are the oats, the peanut butter (any kind of peanut butter or you could try Nutella), chia seeds, and flaxseeds meals. What’s even better is how you could have 3 or 4 of them which is the same as one granola. Instead of having a bar that only last 3-5 minutes, this nutrious snack can last up to 5-7 minutes.

               Even though it takes a little time commitment to make (takes about 10-20 minutes to mix all the ingredients together and then refrigerating it for 30 min), it’s totally worth your time to make! Once you have one, it’s hard to stop. These are the perfect thing to bring for a holiday party with friends or family that everyone can snack on. I even introduced them to one of my best friends and now she’s addicted to them, and I typically give her a container of them whenever we hang out.

                So what are you waiting for? They’re not going to make themselves! Energy Balls are the perfect thing for you!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

When Life Gives you Lemons...

One of the funniest things to witness is seeing a person or even a little kid trying a lemon for the first time. Not only is it hilarious for the ones watching them, but it's also entertaining to see your own reaction as well. Did you know that lemons have about 6% of critic acid within it; that's how they get their sour taste is from the acid? The food that you taste with a tad of sweetness and some sourness most likely has a pinch of lemon mixed in with it.

            Throughout the years, many cultures have shared their experiences of making foods with other cultures so therefore different traditions are used all over the world today. Lemons are the perfect example of how they have changed throughout the decades. This bitter, sweet fruit is used in so many dishes that you can’t even imagine.

            For starters, have you noticed how at restaurants that mostly every beverage (from a water, to an iced tea, a Bloody Mary, a lemonade, or even sometimes a pop) you have the option to receive it with a lemon on the rim? I personally love being able to squeeze a lemon slice in my drink to get that sweetness taste. But, I do have to say though that some of the down sides of squeezing a lemon in our drinks would be how the seeds go everywhere within the glass particularly getting sucked up into your straw, too many lemons clutched in the drink causes it to become too sour, and mostly if you have the lemon at the right angle, you may get a little taste of it right in the eye. Bullseye.

            Imagine this: You’re sitting down at a restaurant and all of a sudden you see your waiter coming with your table’s food. You go from being bored to fully thrilled because you are now seconds away from eating the food that you have been dying to eat ever sense you order. Once you get your plate with your fancy food, you notice some side things that make it even fancier including lemon slices. Apparently more restaurants are adding lemons, cucumbers, and other side dishes to plates to make the customers think that it’s a whole new and better meal just by having the fancier sides. A lot of customers now a-days like to add the juice of a lemon to a steak, a taco, or even a salad. Today, you would be surprised how many dishes at a restaurant are served with lemons on the side. Lemon juice is now in style!

            Sometimes it’s easy to tell when a desert has lemons in it (hint, hint my grandma’s famous Easy LEMON Bars), but sometimes you can’t even notice that there is lemon juice within the deserts. Sometimes bakers including my mom will put a pinch lemon juice while mixing all the ingredients to sugar cookies. Bakers do this kind of thing to give the batter a delicious taste that everyone will love!

            Just to recap, lemons are one of the most common foods used today to help make other foods even better. From having floating seeds in your drinks, to fancy dishes, to having a sweet taste in deserts, lemons are used in everyday meals and make things have a whole new taste.

            The perfect recipe for my column "Recipe of the Week" is the one and only Easy Lemon Bars made by my own loving grandmother. (What am I kidding, I love all my grandma’s homemade goods). What a great way to have my first shared recipe be created by the one that this cafĂ© is named after (also known as my middle name)!