Monday, February 15, 2016

Life is a Box of Chocolate

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"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." I bet mostly everybody knows where that famous line is from. That’s right, it’s from the movie Forest Gump! I think this is one of the best metaphors to describe life with. You never know what life is going to throw at you just like how you never know what kind of chocolates are in the box until you rip off that wrapper and open it yourself.

                You might be wondering why I started off with a life lesson quote from a famous movie about chocolate boxes. Well, there is one main reason: Yesterday was the day that we celebrate by giving others chocolate boxes. That’s right; it was Valentine’s Day! And, what better way of celebrating Valentine’s Day by giving someone you love a box of delicious chocolate!

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                Last night when I was being a “forever alone” with my book and a bowl of cereal while wearing regular old sweatpants, my sister on the other hand got all dressed up to go out on a date with her boyfriend. When he got to our house, the first thing they did was exchange gifts to each other. Not only did they both have a bundle of some beautiful flowers, but they also had a heart shaped chocolate box in their hands. Who cares about the flowers; what’s a date without a box of chocolate?

                Buying heart shaped chocolate boxes aren’t just for the ones that you’re dating, but they also can be for any of your friends or family that you love so much. It doesn’t even have to be the giant boxes that cost like $7.99 and contain like 20 different types of chocolate. They can also be the very tiny boxes that cost less than $3 and contain like 5 different flavors. It doesn’t matter the size; all what matters is the love that holds from the box itself!

                Chocolate is a huge thing when it comes to love! You have no idea how many chocolate boxes were sold for Valentine’s Day (also known as day of love). I can bet you that over 80% of people across the world got some sort of chocolate (ranging from a huge box to just a small piece of candy) to celebrate someone’s love towards them.

But, if you’re a “forever alone” like me, the best day to buy chocolate is the day after Valentine’s Day. You wanna know why: it’s because all the chocolate is on sale. So now instead of getting one box for $5, you can get like 2 or 3 boxes for the same price! Sometimes it’s great being forever alone!

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