Sunday, February 07, 2016

Always Jammin' for More

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Was it just me or did everyone go through a PB & J phase? I remember when I was like in 4th grade; I was obsessed with Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches. I would make them every single day for lunch and not want anything else but those. I got so addicted with them that everywhere I went; I had to have a PB & J in my hands. Thankfully I have grown out of that phase to now I have a sandwich once in a while.

               While I was in that stage as kid, I learned different methods and ways to have/make a sandwich. There’s the one slice way (where you make it all on one slice and just fold in), the half and half way (where both slices you put half peanut butter and half jelly), and then there’s the traditional way (one slice with all peanut butter and one slice with all jelly). It seemed like almost every day I was trying a new way to improve my delicious sandwiches. Now a days I prefer either the half and half or the traditional way.

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               When you make sandwiches, you don’t always have to make it with PB& J. Sometimes what I like to do is use peanut butter and marshmallow fluff. The fluff replaces the jelly within the sandwich still giving it that sweet and tasty flavor. Or, instead of using peanut butter, I’ll use Nutella and jelly. Let me just say that it’s not as good as the peanut butter and fluff.

               One way I love experimenting with PB & J sandwiches is by all the different types of jelly that can be bought. Not only does my family get different types of jelly from the store, but we also get the homemade stuff from my grandma. Even though she does give away some flavors that you find within the store, she also has a collection of jams that none can be found elsewhere; that’s what makes them so special to enjoy

               Every time I find myself making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I can’t help but remember how often I had them as a kid, and how obsessive I truly was over them. What can I say; they’re always so good that they leave me jammin’ for more!

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