Sunday, January 31, 2016

Us vs. Them

With taking a Chinese Language class, you would think that we would have Chinese food and learn about different eating manners for a different culture a lot throughout the course of the year.  We honestly talked about different table manners and what to expect more than eating Chinese food throughout the course.

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               Did you know that there are two types of Chinese food? The first kind is American style Chinese food and the second kind is actual Chinese food that China serves. Let me tell you this; they are not the same. American style has all these different types of chicken you can choose from plus the noodles while China’s original food has different options for chicken, but more of rice and beef as well as not so much on the noodles side.

               One thing that China serves completely differently than America are the animals. Here in America, we tend to eat more from cows and pigs and look at dogs and cats as our lovable pets. In China, they do the complete opposite. Even though they kill and eat whatever animal is around, the main common ones are dogs, cats, and horses. Just imagine one morning you decide to eat your pet dog or cat for breakfast; GROSS right?

               As most of us know, the Chinese typically don’t have any silverware like forks or spoons when they eat. They use their famous wooden chopsticks to pick up everything they eat including small things like rice. I know if I ever try using chopsticks, I have to use to kid version because I can never hold them properly. What can I say; years of practice can really pay off.

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               Another difference between the cultures and eating manners is the fact that Chinese typically sit on the floor when they eat. Rarely will they use chairs, but instead use a mat to sit on. See, us Americans could never do that. I know for me at least I would feel extremely claustrophobic and feel the need to stretch out.

               That’s just one unique thing about our world is that we have so many different cultures and it’s pretty cool to see the differences amongst all of them. We probably think some of Chinese eating habits are odd, but I can bet you that they probably are thinking the exact same thing towards the Americans. Our cultures may be two completely different things, but one thing will always remain the same and that is the fortunes within the fortune cookie!

1 comment:

  1. What do they do to the genitals of the animals in China?
