Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Drizzled in Stickiness

            Even though the Christmas season is over and January has like a week left in it, one of my favorite traditions over the holidays is when my uncle takes part in is helping make breakfast on almost every day at my grandma’s house. He’ll wake up around 7ish almost every day and help my grandma make breakfast. He knows where everything is including all the silverware, the butter, the salt and pepper, and all the ingredients for a proper breakfast meal. One of my all-time favorite meals that he helps make are his freshly baked pancakes from the griddle.

They’re not just any old pancakes; they are pancakes that are lightly golden with either blueberries or chocolate chips mixed in with them. I remember one time my uncle let the kids put the amount of chocolate chips in their pancake. Let’s just say that wasn’t the best idea; they practically dumped the whole bag just for their one pancake!
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               This circular food of joy can be eaten at any time of day. Typically, pancakes are mostly made right when you wake up. The smell of a freshly baked stack of pancakes drizzled with syrup on top is such a great way to start off your morning. Sometimes on special occasions pancakes make a great dinner meal. I know in my family, it’s always a tradition to have pancakes for dinner on Valentine’s Day. We sometimes even mix red dye into the mixture to give it that true red look.

               Not only do we use dye for the pancakes, but people also use cookie cutters to make fun and unique shapes. On Valentine’s Day, of course the main cutter are different sizes of hearts, but on other occasions; people could use any cutter and it would still be fun. What’s the point of pancakes if you can’t have a little fun while you’re eating them?

               Some of the best pancakes are when the cooks at a restaurant drench the stack with warm maple syrup with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and a cherry on top. Restaurants know the perfect way to please the guest. If you ever get the chance, I would really recommend IHOP or Cracker Barrel; they have some of the best pancakes ever! Well of course IHOP is known for their delicious pancakes, but Cracker Barrel is just as good. Depending on what you order and the size of them, you get up to four pancakes within your stack of deliciousness.
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               Next time you have the opportunity to stay at any sort of Disney Park, for breakfast don’t even hesitate to ask to have pancakes. Not only is it filled with tastiness, but it’s also served in the cutest way possible. They make the pancakes into Disney characters and sometimes even that character will serve you the plate. Got to love the magic that takes place at Disney!

               Talking about how delicious and tasty pancakes truly are, I think I’m starting to crave them. There’s no wrong time to mix up some pancakes for yourself!

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