Sunday, November 01, 2015

Trick or Treat?

                  Trick or Treat! Give me something good to eat. If you don’t, I don’t care. I’ll pull down my underwear! This was a famous saying that was used back in the day when kids would go trick or treating on a dark and scary Halloween night. One of the best things (for everybody but dentists) about Halloween is all the chocolatey candy that’s handed out. Lots of kids return back home with bags or even pillow cases filled with candy. Kids would usually start right before it got dark (so around 5:45ish) and stay out until 11ish. That’s close to six hours out on the streets gathering candy with their friends. Crazy right?!?

               It’s always a delight when we see the neighbors giving out either our favorite type of candy, when we get to choose our own pieces, or especially when they give out the king size candy bars. Typically you see the “fun” size (which in my opinion there is nothing fun about that size), but you hit it especially hard when get the option to choose your favorite King Size candy bar. You can also tell which neighborhoods are a tad richer or not just by the size of candy bars and the amount of candy they give you. If they give you a whole handful or two of candy, you most likely are in a neighborhood filled with lawyers, doctors, or engineers. Sometimes people may even give out a whole zip-lock baggie of goodies including lots of candy, some trail mix, and maybe even some puppy chow.  Some people really care about what and how much the children get.

               Some of my favorite kinds of chocolate candy bars would have to be Butterfingers, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, or Crunch Bars. But, some of my all-time favorite candies out there would have to Junior Mints, Yorks, War Heads, and Bottle Caps. I remember there was a period in my life where all I wanted for Christmas and my birthday was a big box of Bottle Caps. They soon became less popular and not going out as quickly throughout the stores causing them not to be sold in stores as much. That’s exactly what happened with the War Heads as well. It’s sad to see some of the best candy out there become less and less popular leading them to rarely be put out in stores anymore.

               One of the best things about the Halloween candy though is that it can last for such a long time. You can have Halloween candy all the way up to Christmas! Next time you see candy at either Christmas or even Valentine’s Day, double check to make sure when they got it, because odds are you might be eating left over Halloween candy!

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