Sunday, November 08, 2015

Teenager's Most Common Addiction

              After two to three years of being in high school, you finally understand why coffee and energy drinks are so important to us. They keep us awake with the hours of homework and jobs that are placed within our lives. The busier we become, the more caffeine our bodies need to keep us awake and process for the day.

               It wasn’t until this past summer where I found my addiction for coffee. I found myself having AT LEAST three cups a day. (Most of it was mainly creamer, but still had some coffee in it) Because I worked at as a camp counselor over the summer, I would have to get up pretty early for a summer day and typically go to bed at a pretty late time. Within two weeks of just working there, I found my new best friend named coffee. I remember I would always start my morning with a cup of coffee with a mug that had frogs designed on it, and end my day with another cup of coffee. For some reason coffee at night actually relaxed my body, made me less hyper, and more ready for bed. But, in the morning, it gave me the energy to get through the day.

               Once I came back, I found myself still in the habit of drinking some sort of coffee every single day more than once. Just like any of addiction or habit, it’s very hard to break once you’ve been doing it for at least a month. I finally break my habit of drinking 3 cups of coffee a day, but now it’s more like 3 expresso drinks a week.

                I could imagine how many other people out there are a coffee-holic just like how I was. Especially teenagers, we become so addicted with having enough energy that coffee is now a MUST within our lives. So many high school students, me included, feel the need to have coffee within our system at all times which can cause several problems. One problem would be the amount of caffeine that is within our bodies; our body has nowhere to put all the sugar and caffeine so our stomachs are being held together by even more sugar which isn’t healthy at all. Another problem it causes is the money point of view. It may not be that expensive if you only buy one drink, but drink after drink, the cost surely adds up.

               Speaking of cost, one Café that drains a hole in your wallet is Starbucks. Whatever you get there, the lowest price is like what, $3. And, usually we don’t get the smallest size but instead either a medium or a large which costs up to $5. You know how expensive that is just for one drink. I’m not saying to stop drinking Starbucks because I’m such a fan all there drinks; I’m just saying how it surely can add up if you have a Starbucks drink every day of the week. For me, I usually have only one every other week. There is an exception, and that is only during Showchoir season. From January to March, it’s always a tradition to get Frappuccino bright and early in the morning before a competition.

               One of my favorite types of creamer would have to be peppermint or Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mints. The peppermint just really sets the mood for the holidays. As for the thin mints, you can never get enough of Girl Scout cookie flavors. There are hundreds of different types of creamer to add to a cup of coffee. From French Vanilla, to Hazelnut, to Cinnamon, to even Original, I bet half the coffee that’s been drunk contains some amount of a creamer. I personally like to sometimes mix creamers together that give it an even better taste.  You know what they say, “Would you like a dash of coffee in your cup of creamer?”

             One tip for future high school or college students is that you’re going to become very familiar and close with coffee as you become busier and busier. You might just find a new best friend with the amount of time you spend drinking them!

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