Sunday, November 01, 2015

Pumpkin Day

               The clock strikes midnight and all the magic has to disappear and everything has to turn back into the regular world. The horses turn back into the mice, the beautiful dress and tiara are traded with her raggedy, old, torn clothes, and her prince was nowhere to be found. The stunning, white carriage also had some magic involved in it because it turned back into a big fat orange pumpkin and didn’t just stay a beautiful carriage.

               Carriages aren’t the only thing you can turn pumpkins into. This time of year you see lots of pumpkins on doorsteps, but the ones to mostly enjoy are the ones with the designs and faces carved into them. It’s always a delight to see all the unique faces and designs on these giant orange pumpkins. I remember back in the day when I was younger, it was always a tradition for my family and I to crave pumpkins the weekend before Halloween. Our pumpkins were not the typical ones you buy at the store; our pumpkins were grown in our own garden in my background. My sisters and I would always hand pick our own; choosing the best looking one out of like 15 pumpkins. We would bring them back into our house and become to dig. We would turn an original, standard pumpkin into a creative little thing that shows our true imagination. Sometimes they would be designs like a Hawkeye or a Cougar, but other times it would be just a regular old Jack-o-lantern.
               One of the best things that I love about carving pumpkins is separating the seeds from the guts, putting them on a pan, and roasting them in the oven. It’s such a great snack to have on a cold and windy day.  The best is when you add lots of seasonings for a topping. The seeds are so easy to take on the go as well as a healthier snack than fruit snacks. Yeah, you could just buy the seeds at the store, but that’s not the same with actually digging them out, spreading them out on a pan, and cooking them all yourself; the homemade kind is the best kind out there.

               While you’re cooking the seeds, you can put the freshly carved pumpkin out on your step with a candle lite inside of it. The true Halloween spirit is when there is a line of pumpkins waiting for the trick-or-treaters to approach, and having them be only light that’s one!

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