Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Veggie Monster

              When you hear the words “vegetables”, what do you automatically think of? Typically people get this unpleasant taste in their month just when they hear the word vegetable; maybe even chills down their spines. Vegetables are usually are not people’s first choice when it comes to a meal or a snack.  Their first choice is typically snacky foods or even fruit; but never vegetables.

               People usually think of vegetables as disgusting and nasty, but to be honest there are so many delicious vegetables. Yes, that’s right I just said that SOME vegetables are actually pretty good. And, I’m someone who hated eating my veggies as a little kid; I couldn’t even look at them because I hated them so much. But, I can now say that there’s a handful that I don’t mind having on my plate. The taste of peppers really caught on to me, and now I have sweet mini peppers practically every day.

               One vegetable that is one of the commons ones is the carrots. No, not the diamond ring, but the long, orange and pointy carrot. Carrots are used for a lot of recipes and snacks. One common one is chicken noodle soup. Small chopped up carrots are thrown in to make the soup even tastier. I personally think cooked carrots on the stove are more pleasing to the stomach than just the raw ones. I think it may have something to do with the fact how the raw ones are very hard and crunchy while the cooked ones are soft and melts in your month. Not only can carrots be used in soup, but they are commonly used for the nose of a snowman. It’s not a snowman without the carrot nose!

               Like I mentioned before, I used to hate all types of vegetables. But, I got used to them and now eat them more often than I ever had. I’ve been willing to try new ones to expand my range of the ones I like. I’m finding myself eating more of the salads and soups that include veggies.

               Did you know that the more veggies you have, the more full you get meaning the less chances of over eating? All sorts of veggies contain the right amount of nutrients to get your stomach to become fuller and not eat as much. So the more veggies you eat, the higher the chances of being healthy and being able to maintain a healthy weight.

               I know for a fact that hundreds of people dislike veggies, but if you just go out of your comfort zone and try new things, you’d be surprised when it comes to new things that you might actually like them.

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