Sunday, December 13, 2015

Progressive Dinner Party: The Appetizers

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One of the best things I love about the Christmas time is being able to get together with family and be able to sit down and be thankful for of the moments that we can cherish! One thing that has been part of my family (well at least with the relatives that live in town) for I think five years now is something we like to call “The Progressive Dinner Party”. It consists of three homes and three eating menus, and every year the families rotate for what meal they are hosting. The first one that I want to talk about are the “Appetizers”.

               We started off by going to my great aunt and uncle’s house for some delicious refreshments. They had a whole tray filled with crackers and cheeses set on the middle of the counter. Next to the sliced cheese, they of course had some tiny cut up strawberries with some creamy fruit dip. Not only did they have all these different types of beverages, but they also had drinks that went along with the Christmas theme. One example would be how they had green lime punch, but instead they called it “The Grinch Punch”. My aunt and uncle also had lots of dips to go with crackers; some celery with some Laughing Cow cheese smeared in the middle, as well as some wrapped tiny little candies held in a fancy little bowl.
               Not only is this a time to eat some delicious food that we typically wouldn’t get on a daily basis, but it was also a time of being able to hang out with family as well as seeing the ones that we rarely get to see with our every-day busy lives. Especially with the holidays coming up, everybody is crazy busy with getting their last minute shopping done and stuff. But, being able to participate with this traditional dinner, it’s a chance to get away and just relax. If you thought the appetizers sounded good, just wait until you get to the dinner and the dessert portion. It is only the beginning!

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