Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Snack on the Go

Imagine this: You just got home from school but you have no time to eat a snack because you’re rushing around getting the last minute sporting equipment for the practice that starts in 15 minutes. You don’t want to go to practice on an empty stomach but you have no idea what is easy to make and not messy to eat while on the go. If only there was a snack that was fully made for the go and doesn’t cause much of a mess. I wonder….

In the past decade or so, trail mix has become a very trendy snack that tons of people love. I know, me personally, I love having trail mix as a snack especially in times where I’m in a hurry. The cool thing about trail mix is that it can be made with ANY ingredients and can be taken on the go to anywhere at any time.

               The most common kind of trail mix is either the brand Chex Mix or the original that includes peanuts, raisins, pretzels, and everybody’s favorite M&M’s. The Chex Mix brand has become so popular that they started making different kinds branching off of the original. For an example (just the Chex Mix brand alone) there are several kinds or flavors to choose from including extra cheddar, extremely spicy, regular and dark chocolate, turtle, honey roasted, most common one the traditional, and lots more.

               Now days, you see trail mix everywhere. The most common place to see them takes place in the months of May and June and that would be graduation parties. Have you noticed that at almost at every grad party, on the tables are bowls of trail mix? That’s because they have become so popular and it’s a great snack just to munch on while at the parties. Not only do they have bowls of nuts and M&Ms, but the main ingredients are the M&Ms because several people especially the little kids go start for the candy. You know what they say: it’s not a grad party without a bowl of trail mix at the tables.

               If you don’t have time to go to the store or you’re just like lazy like me, you could always make your own trail mix at home with your everyday pantry supplies. One of my favorite kinds of trail mix (and my friends can agree with me on this) is my mom’s Puppy Chow trail mix. It’s a little on the messier side but it still an easy snack to take on the go. If you wanna make your own trail mix but have no idea where to begin, start with 3-5 of your favorite snacky foods (ex: Cheese-Its, goldfish, M&Ms, peanuts/almonds, pretzels, raisins, marshmallows, different types of cereal, etc.) and just mix those in a little plastic baggie. And Bam! You got yourself a lovely snack that you can take whenever you’re in a hurry.

               From traditional trail mix, to all the different branches based off of Chex Mix, to homemade, trail mix is such an awesome snack that was invented for people like you and me in times of our busy schedules!

1 comment:

  1. I love trail mix, and it is the perfect "pick-me-up" while rushing around trying to get everything done in a 24 hour period
