Sunday, September 27, 2015

Container of Heaven

              I remember one of the best days of elementary school was when cookie dough was scheduled on the lunch menu. Even better was when it was Surprise Cookie Dough day in the lunch room. I would always ask around amongst friends and random classmates if they wanted their container of cookie dough (also known as a container of Heaven); that’s how crazy I was about the school’s cookie dough. We typically would have cookie dough at least once a week. What a perfect way to end a week was with a container of fresh cookie dough!

What the cookie dough looked like before they changed it
               When we got middle school, that’s when the disappointment came into play. Cookie dough was less seen during the lunch hour. Instead of once a week, it was now more like once every month. And if we were lucky, sometimes it would be twice in just one month, but that rare. As the years continued, the cookie dough started to become less and less tasty. Because raw cookie dough isn’t healthy for you, the government was starting to get complaints from parents describing how schools shouldn’t be feeding their kids this unhealthy dessert as well as making it far for all kids even with allergies could have. That was just the start of the complaints.

               School boards all over the nation today started taking away desserts at schools to make the kids focus less on desserts but instead focus more on healthier options. That’s right that would mean no more cookie dough day. If you’re lucky, you might get one or two throughout the whole school year but the cookie dough isn’t the same as it was back in the day. They took out the eggs so all students would be able to have it. Now the new healthier version of cookie dough isn’t even soft like it used to be but instead on the hard and crispy side.

               Cookie dough wasn’t the only thing that schools started to take away. I know for the high schools they replaced all the unhealthy snacks with either a “healthier” version or less in a package. At some elementary schools or middle schools, students can’t bring party type foods for any party that is going on within the classroom. The only foods that can be brought are trays of veggies, fruit, or any other healthy stuff. Even at the annual Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine’s Day party; they are restricted on what they can and cannot bring including all the tasty treats.

               That makes us think. What has our society come to? Yeah, it’s healthier and stuff, but what party doesn’t have some tasty treats at it? If you were on the school board, what would you do especially when it came to cookie dough day? Would you take it away, or give the kids back their container of Heaven?


  1. This post made me really want cookie dough right now.

  2. I totally agree! What party doesn't have yummy treats? Those poor elementary school kids. School cookie dough was always my favorite, sometimes I tried to sneak an extra "container of heaven" out with me during Harding lunches!

  3. YUMMMMMMM COOKIE DOUGH!!! I really like how you used your personal experiences mixed in with. I also like that you have all the recipes linked on the side :). A strong point i want to make is i think it was great how you used it to talk about the school lunch policy which NEEDS to be discussed! Great Blogging!
